2019: Top 3 Impost Customer Experience Trends
The market for services continues to grow and develop, which means it’s a necessity to figure out how to stand out from the crowd. These trends cover strategies, methods, and goals of top professionals and their success with companies’ CX.
Customer Journey Maps: User Perception
Customer journey maps help designers navigate a day in the life of a customer. Sometimes, designers can get so caught up with details and textures that they forget how the user navigates the site. This tool is perfect for analyzing metrics and connections with layouts.
Amazon’s Secret Weapon for Success
Amazon, Facebook, and Google all share the same secret for success. They each have successfully conquered their industry all by doing two important tricks. It’s time for you to act as well.
The Evolution of YouTube
There is a lot to learn from entertainment websites, especially YouTube. From short informational videos to long entertainment series, YouTube had evolved in the world of media and changing the way people view their platform. Representing a prime example of listening to their audience as well as their creators.
Mental Models in Product Design
The payoff of leveraging existing product user’s knowledge is smoother interactions, faster adoption rates, and better overall usability. People know how your product works before you even design it. Let’s look at a mental model approach to design to surprise your consumers.