Analyzing Facebook’s Redesign
The redesign represents a shift towards an Instagram-like Layout, and not many people are enjoying it. Check out why Facebook made the change and what they are planning to do about major issues such as privacy and neglect.
Developer Conference
As mentioned in the previous blog, the F8 Developer conference unleashed a lot of new things. One of them being a redesign of their site and apps.
The new feature focuses on revamping the newsfeed and focusing on private group communication outside of public newsfeed.
Some would say that it looks exactly like Instagram, which Facebook owns.
Facebook used to be known for the never-ending images on their newsfeed but now they are focusing on stories and messages. They employed this technique in hopes to get more of direct responses rather than aimless scrolling.
A big aspect of Zuckerberg is focusing on is the idea of group formation. During the conference, he said 400 million of its users belong to groups that they find “meaningful”.
As seen in the picture, Facebook focused more on stories as well as a redesigned tab for groups. Currently, groups are hidden away in a sidebar.
This is the first major modification to fit the CEO’s, Mark Zuckerberg, the vision of private communication. We all know they struggle with the concept of “privacy” … Fully encrypting all of the messaging apps that Facebook owns, including Messenger, Instagram, and Whatsapp, and then merging them on the backend so that the company can more effectively track who its users are talking to–which coincidentally provides the technical infrastructure for Facebook to learn even more about people and serve them better-targeted ads.
The issue with this development is seeing whether people will trust the new system or not.
A surface-level transition that tries to catch up to the way people are already communicating online–through groups and private messaging–isn’t going to fix Facebook’s underlying content moderation or privacy issues.
What do you think about Facebook’s current redesign efforts?
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