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Google's Pigeon Algorithm

Google's Pigeon Algorithm

We all experienced Hummingbird and Penguin updates from Google, but now we are watching the effects of the newest algorithm changing named Pigeon. They must really love birds. To be fair this was coined by Search Engine Land. The new update addressed some issues with local search, but it seemed to pull the rug from underneath the hard efforts of SEO campaigns.

The Changes

Some may suggest this update is similar to the infamous Hummingbird Algorithm. Here is what to expect the next time you are trying to find a business or analyzing your own business.

  • Some keywords are now irrelevant 
    • A lower number of queries that now include a local listing pack on their SERP
  • Local rankings will depend more on website authority 
    • Like traditional SEO, domain authority and back links will play a larger role
  • Local directories such as Yelp are experiencing rank boast
    • Searchers may not find your website, but they will likely find your Yelp listing
  • Local carousel will help you gain exposure
    • There will be heavy emphasis on your listings images and rating, but carousel results will otherwise be unaffected. This may be the best chance for exposure. 

Read more about the changes on Link Assistant .

You will catch SEO workers scrambling to bring themselves back to the top with each algorthim change. Which leads us to... 

Solving Your SEO

Now that you know the new updates and how it may impact your business -- especially if it is a small business or startup, it is time to move forward with addressing the changes. We need to learn to adjust to technology's constant motion.

  • Combat the changes to keywords with  a PPC campaign
  • Check your traditional SEO habits and make sure you are up-to-date
  • Take advantage of the directory influence and get yourself on Yelp and other sites
  • Be pro-active with your Google+ page to secure your rank 

Read more about combatting the algorithm at Small Biz Trends. 

As always, the one thing that will bring you to the top is a quality website with interesting content. Keep that in mind. 


We understand the update and how to protect our rank, but it is no fun to just skip over the criticism.

"I fail to see how this is an improved, let alone a good, experience for searchers.

The outcome of Pigeon unfortunately rewards Yelp’s recent “whining,” and with the EU antitrust settlement largely behind them, it seems an odd time to move the SERPs in this direction."

-David Mihm, Director of Local Search Strategy at Moz.


It seems like Google is playing favorites and local businesses took the biggest hit. It is also becoming more and more difficult for SEO workers to work their magic with page rankings. Currently, we have directories and Google + pages outranking brands.

You can read the full list of criticisms from Search Engine Land here and here.

If you are in the marketing for an SEO campaign contact a Blue Archer professional.


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