Blue Archer Blog
Social, Design, Marketing, Tech & More
Your go-to blog resource for web design, social media and digital marketing news. Follow along for our Blue Archer musings.
1st Annual Social Media Outstanding Citizen (SMOC) Awards!
Well, it's award season for celebrities (isn't it?). Since many of us will never have to prepare an acceptance speech for the Oscars, let alone a local talent contest, we at Blue Archer have decided to hold our first annual "Social Media Outstanding Citizen" Award show. The name was chosen mainly for the incredible acronym it forms. SMOC? That's catchy right? "SMOC award winner" - hey, we like it.
Shine With Vine: Marketing Brands with the New Vine App
By now you may have heard of this totally new app that just came out at the end of January as a new component of Twitter; it's called Vine. Just as Twitter condenses updates to 140 characters or less, this app forces users to constrains tiny video clips into just 6 seconds. It sounds daunting, but many brands have already used this video sharing platform to create some really quirky and cool marketing.
3 Reasons Why You Need to Focus More on the Human Factor in Web Design
The Following is a guest blog post by Erica Bell from Designing a website may be as simple as registering for Wordpress or Blogger and setting up a site using a template. However, as consumers place themselves in the driver's seat more and more, businesses need to adapt their design strategies for this shift in consumer-business interaction.
Mobile Websites: What You Need to Know
The following article is a guest blog post by Angie Mansfield
Why Does My Business Need to Be More Mobile?
How tech-savvy are you when it comes to running a small business that offers its customers the latest in technology?
Pic-ing Pictures for Your Website: Free Resources
We all know by now that adding quality-rich images to a website will not only add to the overall design and user experience but also enhance SEO opportunities using alt tags. Images are a necessity for the success of any kind of website including blogs.