Customer Testimonials on Your Website, Part 2
In Part 1, we discussed how to acquire detailed testimonials. For Part 2, this article will focus on how to incorporate reviews on various pages of your website within the content and asking permission. Admiring the best approach, which is contextual testimonials, compared to a long and drawn-out list.
How To Decide On Your Brand Colors
Branding is the number one attribute that will set your business apart. Understanding the impact of color on consumer behavior will help your brand become a success.
Top Free Stock Image Sites
Photography has always been an integral part of design. Unfortunately, we have been grandfathered in to enjoy cheesy stock images of people sipping coffee while making graphs. Thankfully, there have been an increasing number of websites with beautiful stock photography popping up all over the web... and it's free!
Marketing Objectives: 4 Tips to Set SMART Goals
Your marketing campaign took valuable time and hard-earned money. Setting practical SMART goals will help your business analyze and measure what is and isn't working. Find out why they matter...
Refresh Your Worn-out Logo with These 5 Simple Ideas
Changing your logo doesn’t have to be a hassle. It can be fun, exhilarating, and much needed. These 5 reliable ways to refresh your tired logo will shock your creative adventure with their simplicity.