Design Mistakes for Mobile Applications
Mobile web is the hot trend right now and if you’re not on board, your business is suffering. Designers should dedicate time to understanding users of the mobile web and how to win them over. However, the wrong way to do it is through dark patterns regarding color and deceits.
Chrome’s New Web Design from a UX Perspective
Google Chrome has recently celebrated its 10th anniversary which means a redesign! Google is always adding improvements to their site, but this time we can see big changes.
Web Design: Persuasive Design and Triggers to Increase Conversions
Improving your basic design elements for the modern web can boost sales and site performance. By adding persuasive design, you can enhance conversion rates by implementing click triggers and point-click. This design technique will especially benefit your e-commerce sites.
The Fallacy of Funnels and User Engagement
This term is a loose metaphor for an expression we all know as “conversion rate”. In the best circumstances, funnels let everything pass through or in other words result in a 100% conversion rate. This action correlates with user engagement in ways that can be alternated to improve the return of users and define the consumer's loyalty to a site/product. Don’t let users enter your platform without giving up even the slightest bit of information.
Web Design: Wireframes vs. UI Kits
We're going back to the basics by understanding the difference between wireframes and UI kits. These two tools sound complicated but are simple terms that can amplify your tech outreach and make content decoding meeker. The basics of a user interface can define design workflow and improve mobile applications.