Manufacturers face a unique problem when it comes to a broad range of people to target both with digital marketing and their website. We need a precise message or else it will be lost in the mix of everything else on the web.
How can you be so specific with such a diverse client base, though?
Who Exactly Do We Mean
Whether your target markets are diverse or made up entirely of a niche community, you need to understand who you are talking to.
As a manufacturer, you must first establish whether you are B2B or if you also sell directly on your website. Of course, all companies will be different on who exactly they are focusing on.
What we know for sure:
- Manufacturers cater to a variety of age ranges
- Educational and professional backgrounds are diverse
You may be dealing with a millenial engineers or the baby boomer contractor. How do you effectively communicate to both?
Who Does What?
"Technical professionals under age 35 are more likely to use the Internet for research and product comparisons, whereas those over age 35 are more likely to be obtaining product specifications and finding components, equipment, services and suppliers."
Achinta Mitra, Industrial Marketing Today
While each age range may use your online information or different tasks, there is no denying that having a strong digital presence is crucial regardless.
Engineers and Other Buyers
What do your different types of buyers want? We discussed how age challenges who your website caters to, but what about professional positions of decision makers?
The biggest issue is that some individuals thrive off of technical oriented, jargon ridden language while others would prefer something more persuasive, but straight forward.
The key is to find common ground.
How To Resonate
As with any website, language should be tested to ensure it sits well with the audience. However, manufacturing sites will require some key items that appeal to site-users.
Building Credibility
A manufacturing website needs to show proof that they are credible, and this can easily be done with case studies.
Other Suggestions:
- Reviews if applicable
- Project profiles
- Client logos/links
Educating site-users may also build credibility. Most importantly, it will keep people on your site longer as long as it is useful information.
What To Include:
- Blogs
- White Papers
- eBooks
Blogs will also help you in your SEO efforts.
Information That Matters
No matter what, your information must be meaningful to your client.
What To Include:
- Catelog
- People want to know what you have to offer. This may refer to the specs or usage of certain products which could easily be show cased in a catelog.
- Events
- If you attend trade shows or host frequent events, be sure to include an option for individuals to learn more or register on your website
Take Action
Narrowing your audience will provide insight in what direction to go with your website or marketing plan.
Currently, it is no longer an extra perk to have a website, but a necessary means of communication with your clients.
If you're not sure where to start, we can help.